Friday, May 30, 2008

Unofficial Podcast Ep. 41

05.30.08. With June already lurking around the corner, we discuss The Imagination Station, Revisited I in our latest podcast. We also reveal the eleventh clue for our season-long contest, and read more of your letters! As always, you can email us your thoughts and questions to

Right-click and save here to download.

Running time: 26:48


  1. When are you going to have more interviews?

  2. Hey, Lucy was in the IS in An Adventure in Bethany with Lazarus, and also in Dawn's Early Light with Curt in the War of 1812. Just thought I'd let you know.

  3. Could you interview Nathon Hoobler about his book?
    I think Rgis Blackgaard is interviewing him on the Whit's End Podcast...

    Great Podcast!!

  4. Just to be clear...the word we make is actually a word, isn't it??

  5. Yes, it's a real word. You can even find it in the dictionary if you look hard enough. ;o)
