Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know about a little problem I discovered with our email. Apparently hotmail is having problems and for the last few months has been not delivering or sending emails at random, so if you have sent us something and haven't gotten a response that may be why. We have not been able to respond to every email that we have, so know that we may have it and haven't gotten to it yet also. Either way, don't panic! I have already contacted Chris about a solution, and it may take a week or so for him to get back to me. Rest assured though, as soon as we have an answer, we will let you know! Thank you so much for being such loyal fans. We love and appreciate each one of you!
Love, Sarah
Monday, March 8, 2010
E-mail problems
Posted by
9:57 PM
The Inspiration Station Part 1
Hello Friends! I know it has been a while since I blogged, but I'm back again and with great news this time! ALBUM 51 is HERE!!! YAY!!! While I do not have my own copy as of yet, I do have the internet, so like many of you, I will be listening along via the web and attempting to post my thoughts here as I go. I do want to try and record a podcast at some point while Chris is gone, but until then, hopefully the written word will suffice. I just pulled up the Whit's End website player so I can take a listen. I'll probably just post my thoughts as I go, so hopefully no one minds a stream of consciousness type post from me.
So are you ready? Hang on tight, cause here we GO!
Whoah - forgot about different Whit voice, but I think it works ok for me.
Who is Whit's friend? – no answer. Sad day.
When the computer shuts down, it strikes me as odd that Whit doesn't seem to know what’s going on - like his tech iq has dropped a bit...but at least Eugene is back to his intellectual self.
GOOF ALERT!!! They have too seen stuff like this in applesauce and in the Blackgaard's castle episodes.
It is definitely weird hearing stuff about all these electronic devices. This seems like such a slice of life episode from the early days and then BAM! you have headphones, cell phones, DVR, GPS, laptop, dvds lol!
lol – I love mom saying let dad handle things then jumping right in to take over. Typical mom - I love it! I think this family - least parents to kids have great chemistry. Gotta wait a little on the bro-sis stuff. Olivia reminds me of Sarah from the middle years. Matthew reminds me of a young Eugene. Dad is a mix of Dale Jacobs and George Barclay. Overall, I like the Parkers. The parents definitely remind me of the Barclays.
Connie reminds me of “Promises Promises” changing herself for the better - only it seems to be working this time. Ok I take that back - meltdown. Her addiction is also like Zachary when Jason made him walk (“Where is Thy Sting?”?... whoah great foreshadowing with Connie telling Whit about her pet peeves then they all happen.
Connie - Eugene banter. YAY! Whit is still kinda off for me but getting there. He still sounds too much like other actors (so far I've heard Bernard and Jack in Darien’s Rise. and Tom a little here). However, when Whit asks Eugene about changing the shop he totally sounded like Hal's Whit - awesome! I think this is going to work out fine.
lol at Connie not being ready to talk about it. This happened in another episode that I can’t remember right now. Help?
Whit wanting to talk to Connie about her experience in the Inspiration Station hearkens back to Whit wanting to talk to Eugene about his trip in the imagination station in the Mortal Coil and following episodes... (Note – Eugene took the trip in MC and whit wanted to discus it with him in the episodes in On Earth as it is in Heaven.)
Uh oh - Connie sneaking in to Whit's End doesn't sound good.
Background music during closing reminds me a lot of the video theme.
Ok well that wraps up my play by play thoughts. I listened twice through, first just to listen and the second to take notes. I really enjoyed this episode. It was a total slice of life with a hint of mystery added in for fun. If this first episode is any indication of the rest of Album 51, then we are in store for some good stuff in my opinion. I love that I could listen to this twice in a row and it wasn’t boring.
I thought the acting was great and I LOVE the Parker family. The dad’s voice to me is a blend of Phil Lollar and Dave Arnold. Ok maybe I’m weird, but I’m ok with that. It works and it is a great dad voice. Mom is wonderful too. I think this family has more potential to be the new Barclay family than any we have had so far. Great chemistry between mom and dad and parents and kids. As I mentioned earlier, I’m not so sure the kids as siblings have that chemistry yet, but I think it will come and will be great. Let me hear a good fight or two and I’ll let you know. I hope the Parkers are around for a long time. Matthew reminds me of a young Eugene and because of that their interaction is great!
As for Andre – I think this is going to work out fine. It will take me a little getting used to still I think, but I’m excited for the day when he does become Whit for me. I don’t think it is too far off.
Story so far is great, I’m excited to hear part two. Also, loved the sound design and score in this episode. It really reminded of the early days of AIO where there was little music and it was only there when needed. Not over the top or even noticeable. I heard it when I listened for it, but when I wasn’t, it just blended in. Maybe I have it all wrong, but to me that’s a good thing. It added to the show, instead of taking away from it. It wasn’t over the top, but just right.
So as of right now, I give this show 4/5 stars depending on how the rest of it plays out.
Great job AIO Team and Welcome Back!
Love you all,
Posted by
1:16 AM