Thursday, October 2, 2008

Novacom Boxed Set?

Back in early August, Jacob Isom over at the Odyssey Scoop announced his discovery of a new special boxed set album that will be released as the Novacom Saga. According to the production description, the album will contain 10 CDs, the first nine of which will includes the 28 episodes that comprise the Novacom Saga. The tenth CD will feature over an hour of behind-the-scenes audio material.

I was recently searching for various Odyssey related products and managed to stumble upon the product page for this particular set on Amazon. I'm not sure if this is the final cover, but it looks pretty spiffy. There's not much else to report, except for the fact that it will retail for approximately $30 when it is released in March 2009. I'm usually quite hesitant to purchase re-released products (unless I don't already own the originally released product), but that hour of bonus material is rather enticing. Your thoughts?